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Bulletin HSEPP Septembre 2015

08 octobre 2015

Bulletin HSEPP Septembre 2015

Scholars and researchers who wish to give a lecture presenting need to send us a bio data, presentation title and abstract in English and French, as well as a proposed date. For any questions, please feel free to contact us. Lectures can be given in Khmer, French, or English.




Bourses de recherche au Cambodge pour doctorants et post-doctorants français

Pour l’année 2015-2016, le Centre d’Études Khmères (Center for Khmer Studies), membre des American Overseas Research Centers, lance un appel à candidatures pour des bourses de recherche de terrain de niveaux doctoral et post-doctoral au Cambodge dans les domaines des arts, des sciences sociales et des lettres. Les bourses doctorales peuvent être de courte durée ou d’un maximum de 11 mois, les bourses post-doctorales pour un maximum de 9 mois. Les ressortissants français, ainsi que les ressortissants de l’Union européenne pouvant attester de diplômes de l’enseignement supérieur français ou en cours d’études supérieures en France, sont autorisés à postuler. Les bourses de recherche CKS sont mis à disposition des chercheurs français grâce à la généreuse contribution de la Scaler Foundation.

Pour plus d’information, contacter: fellowships@khmerstudies.org




Appel Ă  candidature : poste de chercheur japonisant en SHS Ă  la Maison franco-japonaise

Le ministère des Affaires Ă©trangère et du DĂ©veloppement international (MAEDI) recrute sur contrat d'expatriation un chercheur contractuel (japonisant) en SHS Ă  l'Institut français de recherche sur le Japon de la Maison franco-japonaise (UMIFRE 19 MAEDI-CNRS, USR 3331 CNRS). Contrat de 2 ans, Ă©ventuellement renouvelable une fois, Ă  pourvoir prioritairement par un enseignant chercheur ou un chercheur titulaire de l'enseignement supĂ©rieur, titulaire d'une thèse en SHS sur le Japon.

 Date limite de dĂ©pĂ´t des candidatures : 15 novembre 2015

Prise de fonction : 1er septembre 2016

ModalitĂ© de dĂ©pĂ´t de candidature : voir sur le site Transparence du MAEDI 


 1/ dĂ©pĂ´t de la candidature en ligne


 2/ dĂ©pĂ´t du dossier de candidature et de ses pièces jointes, par courrier Ă©lectronique, aux personnes indiquĂ©es en haut du formulaire.


 3/ dĂ©marche auprès du ministère de rattachement du candidat en vue d'une demande de dĂ©tachement au MAEDI

En cas de besoin, renseignements complémentaires auprès du MAEDI ( Aude.DEBARLE@ diplomatie.gouv.fr ) et de la MFJ ( Mikasa @ mfj.gr.jp ).


DĂ©tail sur le profil :




En Français : http://www.reseau-asie.com/media2/emplois-bourses-stages-prix/



Misogyny, Malice, and Male Privilege in Cambodia: The Cbpab Srei [c.1800]. By Trude Jacobsen 


Participatory politics of partnership: video workshops on domestic violence in Cambodia. By Katherine Brickell and Bradley L Garrett 


Towards Intimate Geographies of Peace? Local Reconciliation of Domestic Violence in Cambodia. By Katherine Brickell


History, Buddhism and New Religious Movements in Cambodia. By John Marston



How Land Concessions Affect Places Elsewhere: Telecoupling, Political Ecology, and Large-Scale Plantations in Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia. By  Ian Baird



Cambodia’s Neoliberal Order: Violence, Authoritarianism, and the Contestation of Public Space. By Simon Springer



Desiring Cambodia. By Alvin Lim



Impact of Human Rights Advocacy in Cambodia. By  John Marston


 The People and their River, the World Bank and its Dam: Revisiting the Xe Bang Fai River in Laos. By Ian Baird, Bruce Shoemaker, Kanokwan Manorom



Education for All 2015 National Review : Cambodia



Urban Development in Cambodia. A summary. By Sina Brod



Contention and Corporate Sustainability Practice in the Cambodian Agricultural Sector. By Young Sokphea



The Cambodian peasantry and the formalisation of land rights: historical overview and current issues. By Jean-Christophe Diepart and Sem Thol


- New book on Vietnamese and Cambodian NGOs and the Mekong River :

Rules, Norms and NGO Advocacy Strategies: Hydropower Development on the Mekong River, September 2015, Routledge. ByTaylor & Francis group.

The book analyzes how formal and informal rules and norms influence advocacy strategies of NGO coalitions. Comparative analysis was conducted of advocacy strategies by Cambodia and Vietnamese NGO coalitions, on their advocacy against the Xayaburi hydropower dam built on the Mekong River.  Through this analysis, the book aims to unfold barriers and opportunities civil society actor faces when working in transboundary contexts. 

Please see attached book flyerthat provides 20% discount for the book. I would be grateful if you can pass the information to anyone who may be interested, or suggest the book to your library. This book is based on my PhD thesis that was completed in 2014. I have also published a research brief that summarizes key findings from my PhD thesis, primarily targeted to non-academic audiences. This research brief is also attached to this e-mail and I hope it will give you a good idea of what the book will be discussing about.

On another note, I have started my new career as a postdoctoral researcher on transboundary water. This position was established in collaboration with Stockholm International Water Institute, Uppsala University, and the Hague Institute for Global Justice. I will be based both in Sweden and the Netherlands during my postdoctoral period. As I have graduated from Dundee, my dundee e-mail account will be inactivated shortly. Please send any of your communication to yumikoyasuda@gmail.com



Création du site francophone Asialyst ( https://asialyst.com/fr), quotidiennement actualisé, mêlant actualités et (courts) papiers de fond.